843-267-2288 swingdoc1@yahoo.com

Curing the Dreaded ‘Outside In’

Striking at Perfect Angle is Key The angle in which the golf ball is struck is rarely understood. FACT: The majority of golfers create an outside-to-in swing path.  This may also be referred to as an “over the top move”.  What this means, in the simplest...

Correcting Swing Flaw

Never Fail to Extend the Arms Most golfers battle similar problems.They constantly top the ball or slice it to the right with the long clubs or pull it to the left with the short irons with very little distance.  The excuses for these problems are usually the same....

Perfecting Your Putt

Become a Better Putter Before You Putt If you struggle with putting, it comes down to one problem: you lack confidence in your ability to putt.  Therefore to make you a better putter your confidence level first must be elevated.  In this article I am going to boost...

Bullet Proof Putting

Good putters are able to control distance Having a surefire pre-shot putting routine is vital, but it is only half the battle.  The second part of a perfect putt is the stroke itself.  I am going to share with you a simple drill that will help you develop a repeatable...