Consistency is the Holy Grail of golf.
We have all had that one magical round, however it drives us crazy that we cannot find that magic on a regular basis. I was told at a young age. “You never master golf, if you only borrow it for awhile.” Folks, that is true on any level.
In this article I am going to create a visual with a tray and a cup resting on your forearms. This simple drill will give you instant feedback and promote a new understanding of your golf swing and how to become more consistent.
Let’s take a look at photo A. Notice that the tray is at an angle in which the tray and cup would fall on the floor to the right of my body. In the photo my left arm is much higher than my right, referred to as a blocked position which will not allow the arms to release or allow the club head to close. In most cases this would create a left to right bail flight.
That same angle promotes a low right shoulder which will force your club head to bottom out early causing you to hit the ground in back of the ball or even top it.
This same low right shoulder will block the hip from moving forward, leaving you on your back foot and out of balance.
In photo B, the tray will fail to the left of my body.
My right arm is now higher than my left causing my arms to fully release which will close the club head creating a right to left ball flight.
My shoulders are now much more level which will allow my hips to move forward unrestricted. This will allow me to finish in a balanced position.
Try this with a Frisbee or even a beach ball. Master this move and the magic will return.
Don’t miss out make your fall reservations now!